Our mission is to provide services to children of incarcerated parents and their families while raising public awareness of the unresolved issues of our children in the community. These services will be through advocacy, health, education, and policy change.
The purpose of the COIP program is to promote and encourage cooperation among health services, human services, and community services to create a healthy environment for children of incarcerated parents. The organization’s mission is to be a support system for children of incarcerated parents by modeling healthy family interaction. The program’s goal is to reduce the rate of recidivism for the incarcerated parents and to aid in the process of family reintegration. To accomplish these ends, COIP will provide services such as anger/grief counseling, domestic violence counseling, individual/group counseling, peer-to-peer groups, life skills, parenting classes, clothing and shoe vouchers (school uniforms, Christmas, or emergencies), drug/alcohol counseling, transportation to visit parents, etc.